2 years ago, I was brushing my teeth watching the sunrise and thought how great it would be to share it with others. Then I thought I don’t just love sunrises but sunsets, blue skies, rainbows, clouds, murmurations and especially raging storms over the sea. That very moment I set up a Facebook group called Brighton Skies. We have grown quickly and Brighton Skies is now over 7000 members with fantastic photos being shared every day. There are professionals, amateurs, people who just use their phones (that’s me) and drone users. We are now a little community with meet ups, photographic walks and supporting each other.
Colette Chitty
Colette Chitty
What’s fantastic is the huge variety of members we have from nurses to fisherman to scientists and cake bakers. There is something the unites us all being under the same sky, capturing that same moment and sharing with each other.
In the future I’d love to organise and exhibition and my dream would be a beautiful Brighton Skies book sharing everyone’s stories and views.
Do come and join us and remember to always look up!
Andy Gardner